Thousands of affiliates are making a decent passive income with clickbank or other affiliates networks, using various but highly effective marketing methods. They use marketing and advertising practices that have worked for years.
If you want to know how to make a decent passive income with affiliate products, follow these two proven steps:
1. Promote each product separately.
Do not try to add a hundreds of affiliate links on a single webpage. It will confuse the reader, and you will not convert your visitors into sales.
Use landing pages instead. You want your visitor to be hooked. Use a strong title like: "12 Tips to increase your affiliate commissions almost overnight!". Use a title that makes him curious. If nobody read your articles, they will not click on your affiliate links...
When a visitor lands on your webpage, you have less than five seconds to grab his attention and read the content on your page (article, review). If he sees a bunch of banners and links, he will leave.
While banners are still the cause for many affiliate sales, it is no longer the best way to make a decent passive income with a website. You must use banners wisely, and split-test your webpages to see which one convert more.
2. Always use products endorsements on your pages.
The difference between thin and fat affiliates is the inclusion of endorsements and products reviews. This will make a huge difference at the end of the month. Add to this other testimonials from satisfied buyers and you have a powerful tactic that will make you commissions for years.
When you endorse a product, do not write a bunch of features because that will not make the sale in most of the case. Let the reader know how he will benefit from the product. Let his imagination work. You want to touch his emotion.
Highlight the important points and tell him how the product will make his life easier. This is a really powerful formula, and when you touch one of his psychologic triggers, you got it! He will buy through your affiliate link!
People prefer to buy because they read a honest and unbiased product endorsement than buying on the merchant page. Do not try to create a fake endorsement, because even if your reader can't see you, he is still able to feel if your article is true. Many people head over their preferred forum before buying any product.
Your endorsement must lead the reader to ask for more by clicking on your affiliate link.
Clickbank is an easy way to make money with an affiliate website. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. If you can follow these two easy steps, you are well on your way to become a wealthy affiliate.
After some time, you will be able to teach to others how to make a decent passive income online.
Do you want to learn how to earn $1000+ per month? Visit my blog: Internet Business Coaching. And to earn even more, visit my: Ultimate Marketing Center Review
totally agree that every product should be promoted in a different sales page... and should be short and organized
no one likes these long boring sales pages
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