Affiliate marketers seldom have to deal with customer service type issues because this is left up to the companies actually selling the products.
Many people have started successful affiliate marketing businesses and begun to make money free online using totally free marketing techniques.
I have been involved in the industry for about 3 years and as a full time business I market for hundreds of companies and affiliate programs without spending any money on my marketing campaigns.
Over the last year or two the advent of web 2.0 products, article sites, blogging and social networks it has become much easier to branch out and reach people around the world 24 hours a day with the products you are marketing.
Until recently it was always believed that the "secrets" to affiliate marketing was something that only a handful of "Guru's" understood and only by purchasing their information could one truly be successful in an affiliate marketing business.
Over the last year those of us who have been able to carve out a living online have been documenting our processes and have created step by step programs that offer affiliate marketing help to anyone interested in getting into the business.
The bottom line with starting a home based business in affiliate marketing is that anyone can learn the business and you can build it up in your spare time without having to spend any money at all to begin your business.
All it takes is a learning and applying a few documented and proven methods that require no special web building skills or experience.
I would advice anyone interested in the business to be very careful with trying to implement any techniques such as PPC (Pay Per Click) techniques which are a favorite among the "old school guru's" and which also resulted in the loses of hundred and thousands of dollars due to improper training.
It is much smarter to learn to build an affiliate marketing business without having to expose yourself to unnecessary financial risk when you can achieve the same result without spending any money.
The key is whatever route you decide to take in building an affiliate marketing business you have to take action. Almost every person that fails to make money in this industry is because they fail to use the information and resources made available to build their business.
Steve Phipps is an experienced affiliate marketer that has documented his process for building a business without spending nay money. You can visit his site at: http://www.theaffiliatefreeway.com
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